
Free Moody Beach is a completely grassroots organization. We have no budget, nor do we collect dues. All of our efforts are through our volunteers, and any cost is covered by us as individuals.

We encourage you to support the Maine Intertidal Land Litigation, now moving through the courts. Our opposition has very deep pockets, while MILL funding comes completely from donations. The lawyers for MILL operate on our behalf at a significantly reduced rate. Please help by donating in any amount by printing and mailing the form attached or clicking on the link.

You may also donate in someones honor or memory. If you’d like to donate in someone’s name, we’ll send you a certificate to share with them. This was a great idea by one of our members, who donated in the names of her children as a way to ensure future generations will have access to Moody Beach.

On behalf of all of us who are denied the right to enjoy Moody Beach, thank you.

Print and mail the Pledge Form with your check

Or click here to donate online

If you have questions about donations, please email Peter Masucci at

Please see below for other ways to help.

Other ways to help

Join Free Moody Beach. You don’t need to be a Moody resident, a Wells resident, or a Maine resident. Anyone who believes Maine beaches should be for everyone to enjoy is welcome. Use the Contact Us link on the homepage or click here:

We would like to be able to expand our core group of volunteers. We need help with ideas, planning, and execution for our initiatives as well as events and meetings. We’re always looking for help with graphics and printing (i.e. T-shirts, flyers) and outreach.

There were some fantastic Letters to the Editor published this past fall (2023). Feel free to write letters any time. You don’t need to consider yourself a great writer, just keep them short and to the point, and they’ll have a good chance of being published. We have a list of media contacts to whom to send them, and we are more than happy to provide writing assistance, if desired.

Spread the word! Some people may not know the history of Moody Beach or why people are forced to sit shoulder-to-shoulder on 1% of the sand, and why they and their children cannot play bocce on the beach without fear. Please talk about the issue and share this. Feel free to reach out with any questions.

We will have further initiatives during the year and will send out requests for assistance to our members via email.

Important note: If you are confronted for using Moody Beach or see others who are, please document the interaction by taking a video with your phone or take photos. Send these to us, and let us know what happened and what was said. Call the police! The Wells police told the press there are not many “incidents” because they are not called.

Please treat Moody Beach with respect by not littering. It’s your beach.

Email us at