Moody Beach is for everyone. Join us.

Since 1989, intimidation, harassment, and confrontation have increased at Moody Beach, Maine. On a hot, summer day people face a choice: pack together like sardines on 1% of the sand or spread out and risk arrest. This is not fair, not just, and not “the way life should be.”

Our mission is to restore the rights of all to enjoy Moody Beach. On both state and town levels, we are acting to alleviate the hostile environment faced by those who simply want to enjoy the beach in peace.

Click on this link to see a Channel 8 news report from this past summer showing what these children faced when trying to play paddleball on Moody Beach.

How did this happen?

In a flawed and unjust 1989 decision, the Maine Supreme Court ruled that land ownership can extend to the low water mark. This took away beaches and shoreline held in public trust for you and me for centuries and gave them away to private individuals for free. Moreover, these homeowners have never paid a cent in taxes on this land. Click below to learn more about what the former Maine Attorney General called, “a regrettable error, which never should have happened.”

Our current efforts

With the Town of Wells

Maine Intertidal Land Litigation (MILL)

“We will no longer sit on our allotted 1% of sand and stay quiet, and we will no longer accept being treated as second-class citizens. We have the right to recreate on the beach, just like people do in the rest of the country and the rest of the world. Remember, this sand is your sand; this sand is my sand. It’s our beach, and we want it back.
Free Maine Beaches and Free Moody Beach!”